Carmen Cruz

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**Songs Of The Week ~ Goldfrapp, Sleigh Bells, Grizzly Bear, Kanye West and James Morrison**

Mmmmmmm... Musical deliciousness.

Sleigh Bells ~ Infinity Guitars

Goldfrapp ~ Ooh La La

Grizzly Bear ~ Speak In Rounds  - Off of their latest album called Shields

Kanye West ~ White Dress -  Loooooooove Kanye. Always & forever. Put aside his obnoxious behaviour and you have to admit, the man is BEYOND talented.
**side note: This song is off the soundtrack for the new Quentin Tarantino movie 'The Man With The Iron Fists'.**

And saving the best for last

James Morrison ~ You Give Me Something - Loving this song to bits and it's regularly on repeat.    **observation: Dude kinda looks like a younger version of Chris Martin from Coldplay, minus that sexy space in between the teeth...**

