Carmen Cruz

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Songs Of The Week: Big Boi, The Boxer Rebellion, Zerbin, Waldeck

Musical Awesomeness.  

Big Boi ft. Mouche & Scar - Raspberries - This is on repeat regularly. It's such a weirdly awesome tune.

Big Boi ft. Phantogram - CPU - What can I say? It's a wicked album (Vicious Lies & Dangerous Rumors)

Waldeck ~ Make My Day - Just a really cool tune.

Zerbin ~ Take Your Heart - Originally from my home town (E-town represent!) and now living in Victoria, these indie boys are KILLING IT!!!!

Zerbin ~ New Earth - Let's enjoy another one shall we?

Diamonds ~ The Boxer Rebellion - It's actually a romantic comedy that really helped launch these guys. If you haven't seen the movie 'Going The Distance', watch it. It's hilarious. Either way, an amazing band.


