Photo Diary: The Vancouver Special

by Carmen Cruz

Favourite Photos This Week.

On Broadway near Arbutus
On Broadway near Oak Street

 Whoever takes the time to leave these notes around the Kitsilano / False Creek area is every shade of awesome.
 As you're leaving Wreck Beach, you'll see this. I'm not sure why, but I found it hilarious that some people need to be reminded.

Speaking of beaches, this is what sunset at Kits dog beach looks like. The dogs here really have it good, don't they?
Every once in a while, there's a guy who likes to set up his telescope close to Kits beach. He points it towards the moon, and puts up a sign encouraging people to check out. The view is absolutely spectacular. This is kinda what you'll see...
The moon hit's your eye like a... oh forget it.

Only in Vancouver.




Prepare To Party Tomorrow (Saturday, July 13th)!!!!

by Carmen Cruz

Every year, it just gets bigger and bigger.
The Khatsahlano Music & Arts Festival is a Saturday filled with amazing local music, art, food and fun fun fun.

This year’s festival will feature TWELVE stages showcasing more than 50 of Vancouver’s top musical performers. Add into the mix several talented local artisans, street performers and a mishmash of activities and events the whole family can participate in.... and let me tell ya, I'm barely scratching the surface here. The bonus? It's FREE! Wanna see what it's all about?
Check out the video below.

It all starts tomorrow (Saturday, July 13, 2013) from 11:00am to 8:00 pm on Kitsilano’s West 4th Avenue (between Burrard & MacDonald).

For a full list of everything you can see, hear, smell and taste at this year's Khatsahlano Music & Arts Festival,  Click Here

See you there!




Great Canadian Shoreline Cleanup ~ THIS WEEKEND

by Carmen Cruz

We here in Vancouver have the luxury of being able to drive/walk/bike/roller blade down to the beach whenever we want. We spend all summer enjoying everything our awesome beaches have to offer, so why not give back?

This weekend, the Great Canadian Shoreline Cleanup will be taking place at beaches across the city. Last time I checked, the organization was still looking for more volunteers to help with the cleanups taking place on English Bay, False Creek, Creekside and quite a few other locations.

Wanna help make things pretty? Click here to find out how you can get involved.  




by Carmen Cruz

It's one of the coolest (free) summer festivals in Vancouver ~ The Khatsahlano! Music + Arts Festival!!!

From Burrard to MacDonald, West 4rth ave is shut down and transforms into a gigantic, 10-block street fair with a wide selection of food, discounts giveaways, cool activities, street performers, artisans and Kitsilano's biggest garage sale. PLUS this year’s festival will feature SIX stages showcasing over 30 of Vancouver’s top bands/performers, including: Bend Sinister (a personal favourite), Ladyhawk, Jeremy Fisher, Portage And Main, Oh No! Yoko, The Matinee, The Zolas, and sooooooo many more.

Everything kicks off at noon and wraps up at 8pm.

For updates, make sure you like The Khatsahlano! Music + Arts Festival facebook page, or follow them on twitter.

Here's a musical sample of what you can expect. It's Bend Sinister ~ Time Breaks Down. You need to see these guys live... and expect to be blown away. For realzies.

Portage and Main ~ Check out their Green Couch Session. Awesome.




It's a Miracle!!!... in Kitsilano.

by Carmen Cruz

Just in time to help you with your Christmas shopping (I'm determined to NOT procrastinate this  year... kinda...maybe...) it's another big holiday sale! 'The Miracle on West 4rth' streetwide holiday shopping event is happening THIS Thursday (December 8th).
You can expect tons of stores offering tons of wicked deals (including salons & spa's, clothing/shoe stores, yes, even grocery stores!), in-store parties, holiday fun and freebies.
It's all happening in Kits on West 4rth from 5pm - 9pm. For more info (including a list of all the stores involved and what they're offering) check out this site.

If you're going, I'll see ya there!




I'm Baaaaaaaaaack!!!!

by Carmen Cruz

Hello you sexy, loyal readers in internet land (aka: mom and dad)!!!

So I'm finally back in Vancouver and let me tell ya, it feels goooOOOOooood!
I didn't realize how much I missed Van. The mountains, the people, the salty sea air, the streets, the hidden shops, the ocean and yes, even the rain. I guess it took moving to Calgary to realize how much I loved this place. It's one of those cases where you just don't appreciate what you've got, when you've got it. It certainly brings to light the saying, 'You don't know what you've got till it's gone'... ya know what I mean? (Thanks Joni Mitchell, Cinderella and Janet Jackson).

Lately, my biggest hurdle has been trying to find a reasonably priced place to live that will accept my little Maslow. He's such a sweet, quiet dog (I know EVERYONE says that about their pets, but in my case, it's true. I swear to GAD! If you were to meet him, you'd understand. Anywho, I'm not gonna start rambling about my dog because 1) I don't wanna be one of those weird people who go on and on about their pets, when no one really gives a rats ass and 2).... I lost my train of thought. Was watching Maz play with my sock. Moving on).

Long story short, if you hear of a place in the Kitsilano /Point Grey/ Dunbar/ Kerrisdale/ False Creek/ Main street area that's renting a nice, clean, bright and quiet one bedroom suite that will accept my pooch, please let me know. Oh, and a pool /cabana boy on site would be nice too. What? Am I asking for too much? Nah....

So what's the point of my entry today? Well yeah, it's to put it out there than I'm looking for a place to call home, but it's also to remind you that you should take the time to appreciate where you are/ where you live/ who's by your side. Mushy, I know, but a very true fact that we all take for granted. Wherever you are right now, please stop. Look around and take it all in... and love it.

Now back to Craigslist and the classified ads. My search continues.

Dear Gad/ Allah/ Buddah/ Lucky Troll Doll /Bejesus and anyone else I've missed, please help me find a new home soon. I've got my fingers, toes, and even my eyes crossed. Sexy.



p.s: I just noticed that I use waaaaaaay too many exclamation points when I write. Seriously! It's ridiculous! I'm like the 'Elaine' of the writing world. Yup. That was a sweet little Seinfeld reference for ya. Am I really THAT excited when I write? Perhaps. So let me get it all out now. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!   !!   !!!!! And just one more.... ! ;D
