The :O!!! Moment Of The Month

by Carmen Cruz

If you're a dog owner, you know all about the ritual that comes with walking your pooch. 
When one dog passes another, there's the usual sniffing of the bum/private area that takes place. As we all know, it's a dog's way of saying 'what's up'.
This is the exact moment when the owners awkwardly try to pretend they don't see their beloved canine's nose shoved against another dog's bid-ness.
It was during one such occasion where a male chihuahua-type dog had his nose shoved deep between (my male dog) Malsow's legs.
Upon seeing this, the owner loudly stated to her dog, "Rex, stop acting like a big fat homo!"

;O !!!!

So what was I to do?
I quickly grabbed Maslow and took off.

 Really? People like this still exist?!?!?!


Alberta: 5 Things I forgot about living here.

by Carmen Cruz

1) The cold air cough. 
When you first walk outside, the air is so cold and dry that you cough. Sometimes, you even gag, and let me tell ya, nothing says 'Sexy' like a cold air gag. Nothing.

2) Plugging in your car in the winter. 
Maslow can turn on the lights in a room, just by walking in.
Older cars need to be plugged in or you can forget about starting them successfully.

3) Winter = Static. 
Static and static shocks. Even my dog has static. Poor booger. 

4) Dry skin. 
 It's everywhere and it's taking over your body. Nothing beats a good dry skin itch.Wanna take it to the next level? Pull up your pant leg. Hellooooooo leg dandruff.

5) How friendly people are. 
People smile and say hello. What's more (for the ladies), men actually approach you and try to strike up a conversation.
*Awkward Moment Alert* 
I was sitting in a mall food court, waiting for my cousin. A man came up to me and started talking to me.
Dude: Are you waiting for my boyfriend.
Me: Pardon me?
Dude: Ummm... I said, are you waiting for your boyfriend?
Me: What are you getting at?
Dude: I just want to know if you're waiting for your boyfriend to come.
Me: I don't understand. Do you want something?
Dude: *Awkwardly* No. I just wanted to know if you have a boyfriend. I was trying to strike up a conversation with you.
Me: *Finally clues in* Ooooohhh!!! Ummm... I actually don't live here. I'm visiting. So.... I'm sorry. I'm just not used to guys approaching me like that.
Dude: Ok. Have a nice day. *Practically runs away from me*

I'm seriously losing my social skills. Vancouver, what have you done to me?!?!?!?!

Back to the snow, the awesome sunshine and the AMAZING HST-free shopping here in Alberta. :)



I'm Baaaaaaaaaack!!!!

by Carmen Cruz

Hello you sexy, loyal readers in internet land (aka: mom and dad)!!!

So I'm finally back in Vancouver and let me tell ya, it feels goooOOOOooood!
I didn't realize how much I missed Van. The mountains, the people, the salty sea air, the streets, the hidden shops, the ocean and yes, even the rain. I guess it took moving to Calgary to realize how much I loved this place. It's one of those cases where you just don't appreciate what you've got, when you've got it. It certainly brings to light the saying, 'You don't know what you've got till it's gone'... ya know what I mean? (Thanks Joni Mitchell, Cinderella and Janet Jackson).

Lately, my biggest hurdle has been trying to find a reasonably priced place to live that will accept my little Maslow. He's such a sweet, quiet dog (I know EVERYONE says that about their pets, but in my case, it's true. I swear to GAD! If you were to meet him, you'd understand. Anywho, I'm not gonna start rambling about my dog because 1) I don't wanna be one of those weird people who go on and on about their pets, when no one really gives a rats ass and 2).... I lost my train of thought. Was watching Maz play with my sock. Moving on).

Long story short, if you hear of a place in the Kitsilano /Point Grey/ Dunbar/ Kerrisdale/ False Creek/ Main street area that's renting a nice, clean, bright and quiet one bedroom suite that will accept my pooch, please let me know. Oh, and a pool /cabana boy on site would be nice too. What? Am I asking for too much? Nah....

So what's the point of my entry today? Well yeah, it's to put it out there than I'm looking for a place to call home, but it's also to remind you that you should take the time to appreciate where you are/ where you live/ who's by your side. Mushy, I know, but a very true fact that we all take for granted. Wherever you are right now, please stop. Look around and take it all in... and love it.

Now back to Craigslist and the classified ads. My search continues.

Dear Gad/ Allah/ Buddah/ Lucky Troll Doll /Bejesus and anyone else I've missed, please help me find a new home soon. I've got my fingers, toes, and even my eyes crossed. Sexy.



p.s: I just noticed that I use waaaaaaay too many exclamation points when I write. Seriously! It's ridiculous! I'm like the 'Elaine' of the writing world. Yup. That was a sweet little Seinfeld reference for ya. Am I really THAT excited when I write? Perhaps. So let me get it all out now. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!   !!   !!!!! And just one more.... ! ;D
