Make Music Vancouver *TODAY*

by Carmen Cruz

Get ready to release your inner musician!!!  

Make Music Vancouver is a free and live musical celebration that takes place each June 21, the longest day of the year.  TODAY, public spaces across Yaletown and Gastown will become impromptu stages for over 350 free concerts. The bonus? You're encouraged to be a part of the festivities! If you're not quite musically inclined (I feel your pain), feel free to listen (or dance!) to your heart's content.  

Everything kicks off at 5PM. Want more info? Go HERE. 




Do you know someone really fantastic?

by Carmen Cruz

So I'm moving back to Vancouver next week. I'm BEYOND excited about it!                  

While I've got a few things already lined up for me, I'd also like to take the time to feature amazing BC based musicians/bands as well as overall awesome Vancouverites on my site. I've already scheduled a few interviews but I thought I'd turn to YOU (you sexy beast!) for any additional ideas. Do you know of a Vancouverite that you'd love to see featured here? Someone you'd like to get to know more about? A musician, artist, poet, business owner, fashionista (fashionisto? Is there such a thing?), etc?  If so, let me know about him/ her/ them! Please send your suggestions to

I'm looking forward to hearing from you, and above all, I can't wait to move back to rainy, but beautiful VANCOUVER!!!!!
