Songs Of The Week: Phoenix, Maverick Sabre, Smith Westerns, Kanye West, Tame Impala, Justin Timberlake

by Carmen Cruz

Kanye West ~ Black Skinhead vs. Tame Impala's 'Elephant - Mashup mastermind Nate Belasco mixed these two songs together and created musical magic. **NOTE: You can download this tune for free!!!**

Justin Timberlake ~ Tunnel Vision - Off his amazing album 'The 20/20 Experience'. **WARNING: This video was previously banned from youtube (there's female nudity aplenty). The bigwigs at youtube have since changed their minds and now see the video as an artistic representation of the female body, rather than being something trashy. The video comments really run the gamut. Either way, a solid tune. MAKE SURE YOU DON'T WATCH THIS AT WORK!!!**




New Music Video For Phoenix *WATCH*

by Carmen Cruz

Phoenix have unveiled a music video for their new single called 'Entertainment'.      
The video was directed by Patrick Daughters, the same guy who worked on videos for Yeah Yeah Yeahs, Kings Of Leon, Beck and Interpol.

Their new album called 'Bankrupt!' comes out April 22nd.
They're also going to be performing at the Queen Elizabeth Theatre on March 28th. There are still just a few tickets left (price ranges from $45 - $70). If you've never seen these boys live, I highly recommend that you do... and bring your dancing shoes.  




Songs Of The Week - Stevie Wonder, Spanky Wilson, Phoenix, Sia, Mos Def

by Carmen Cruz

Here's what I'm into...

Phoenix ~ If I Ever Feel Better - This is one of those songs I keep on repeat for a lot longer than I should. Love the lyrics to this tune.

Mos Def ~ The Embassy - Wicked (but short) tune. The song kicks in at 0:56

Stevie Wonder ~ As - Cause it's Stevie... and the LYRICS!!! For the love of Gad, the lyrics are so amazing. If you've never taken the time to listen to his album 'Songs In The Key Of Life', do it. It'll change your life.

Spanky Wilson ~ Sunshine Of Your Love - An awesome funk/soul cover of Cream's 1970 classic hit. **Here's the deal. This version is remixed my Tom Middleton. I can't for the life of me find a copy of this tune that I can buy. This annoys me to no end. If anyone out there knows how I can get my hands on a copy of this version of the tune, please let me know. It's driving me mad I tell you... MAD!!!!**

Sia ~ Day Too Soon - One of the most gifted singers on the planet... and SOOOOO quirky! At the last Sia concert I went to, she had a special 'knitting corner' for her fans to sit at and knit while they watched her perform. Oh! And on her twitter page, she states that - 'i am sia, I was born from the bumhole of a unicorn named steve'....
 Honestly, she's one of the most amazing singers I've ever had the chance to see live.
Here she is in all her glory: Live and Mindblowing!!




Two Door Cinema Club and a third nipple???

by Carmen Cruz

If the bands Phoenix and Vampire Weekend could somehow have a love child (impossible, I know... but let's pretend, si?!) the result would be Two Door Cinema Club. These boys are from Northern Ireland and have released a WICKED debut album called Tourist. I downloaded it off iTunes today and highly recommend you check them out.

I was also lucky enough to check out the guys when they were playing at The Venue back in April. Not only was the show sold out, it was also A-W-E-S-O-M-E! The only way I can describe their music is dancey (yeah, I made up the word ;) with a bit of punk, rock and pop mixed in. Me likey. When I interviewed the boys, we chatted about groupies, music and yes, a certain members' infamous third nipple. 




P.S: Do they not air the tv show 'Friends' in Northern Ireland? These guys had no idea what I was talking about. Awkward!

Ta da! Songs Of The Week.

by Carmen Cruz

Here are my favourite songs of the moment. I'm obsessed... in a good way ;D

Small Sins ~ Why Don't You Believe Me?
A wicked group from Toronto. Formed in 2006 and Have this slightly retro sound. Wicked guitar. A great song to listen to while on a long drive.

Two Door Cinema Club ~ Something Good Can Work
These guys are from Northern Ireland. They're like this amazing blend of Keane, Muse and Phoenix. I think they almost sound like Phoenix's younger and peppy cousin. Wanna know why they originally formed their group? To get chicks. Straight up. At least they keep it real! They performed here in Vancouver at The Venue April 11th. I was lucky enough to chat with them and have a wicked video to post soon.

And speaking of Phoenix....

Phoenix ~ If I Ever Feel Better
Another perfect song to listen to on a long drive. Trust me on this one.

Santagold, Julian Casablancas & Pharrell ~ My Drive Thru
Originally written for a Converse commercial. Wanna get pumped up, or just dance? Listen.

Kid Cudi ft. Lady Gaga, Kanye West & Common ~ Poke Her Face

George Michael ~ Freedom
One of the sexiest music videos ever! From a time when the word 'supermodel' was used a bit more sparingly. These women were the real deal.

Ray LaMontagne ~ Old Before Your Time
When oh when will you come to Vancouver?!?!?!
Couldn't find a good, clear vid that does this song justice. One of the Best songs of the year, so far. My little brother & I can't stop listening to it. Listen to the words...

OutKast ~ Idlewild Blue (Don't Chu Worry 'Bout Me)
These guys are on my list of top 10 bands/groups/artists of all time. Freaking love them. When I checked out their website, there's still no word on the boys ever working together again. Why Outkast??? Why???

OutKast ~ Ms. Jackson
This song was written for Erykah Badhu's mom. André 3000 and Erykah were once a couple, and have a son together named Seven. The song talks about the problems that break-ups, separation, and divorce can have on a couple, and the animosity that a woman's mother can have for her daughter's former boyfriend or husband. Wicked Video.

Sorry... Just ONE MORE OutKast song I think you'll like....

OutKast (Off of 'The Love below" by André 3000) ~ My Favourite Things
Remember that song from 'The Sound of Music"? You know the one I'm talking about, '...raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens'. Yeah, well this is what it sounds like after André 3000 gets his hands on it. Love. (p.s: This is clearly not the actual music video, but at least you get to hear the song, nice and clear).

If you have any suggestions of some songs you think I might like/love, please send me an email.


Besos, CC.