Songs Of The Week: Gems, IYES, The Aston Shuffle, Akouo, J.Roddy Walston and The Business

by Carmen Cruz

Musical Awesomeness.

Gems ~ Don't Cry (Seal Cover) - A fantastic make out tune. Want it for free? It'll only cost you an email address. Go HERE if you're interested. They'll also be playing at this year's SXSW.

IYES ~ Crazy In Love (Beyonce´ Cover) - A KILLER cover of this tune.

The Aston Shuffle ~ Tear It Down

Akouo ~ Last Time - Super cool tune.

And now for something totally different....

J. Roddy Walston & The Business ~ Heavy Bells - Cause it rocks.




These made me laugh till I cried.

by Carmen Cruz

After watching these videos, I only had one question: "How did I NOT know about these?"

I laughed so hard that I cried... literally. While driving. With people in the car. They became very concerned and nervous (if you've ever been in a car with me, you'd understand).

Watch these in order.

Honest to Gad, even while I'm posting these, I'm laughing my ass off.


