*Awesome Nerd Alert* J.J. Abrams Wants You To Be in 'Star Wars: Episode VII

by Carmen Cruz

A donation to charity puts you in the running for a free trip to London, England to mingle with celebrities,
check out what it's like behind the scenes of a major motion film and, most importantly, have an actual role in the newest Star Wars movie *nerd swoon*.

Check out the video below for more.




IT'S OFFICIAL~ Disney Making Star Wars Episode 7,8,9

by Carmen Cruz

Sci-fi nerds across the globe are foaming at the mouth, convulsing and soiling themselves in unison.
Disney has decided to buy George Lucas' Lucasfilm for a cool $4.05 BILLION dollars, and they're starting work on the next installment of the Star Wars Series.

You can expect to see Star Wars Episode 7 hitting theatres in 2015, with Episode 8 and Episode 9 released 2 - 3 years apart.

George Lucas = Really, really, ridiculously rich.
He's officially made the sci-fi world his bitch.


