Songs Of The Week - Stevie Wonder, Spanky Wilson, Phoenix, Sia, Mos Def

by Carmen Cruz

Here's what I'm into...

Phoenix ~ If I Ever Feel Better - This is one of those songs I keep on repeat for a lot longer than I should. Love the lyrics to this tune.

Mos Def ~ The Embassy - Wicked (but short) tune. The song kicks in at 0:56

Stevie Wonder ~ As - Cause it's Stevie... and the LYRICS!!! For the love of Gad, the lyrics are so amazing. If you've never taken the time to listen to his album 'Songs In The Key Of Life', do it. It'll change your life.

Spanky Wilson ~ Sunshine Of Your Love - An awesome funk/soul cover of Cream's 1970 classic hit. **Here's the deal. This version is remixed my Tom Middleton. I can't for the life of me find a copy of this tune that I can buy. This annoys me to no end. If anyone out there knows how I can get my hands on a copy of this version of the tune, please let me know. It's driving me mad I tell you... MAD!!!!**

Sia ~ Day Too Soon - One of the most gifted singers on the planet... and SOOOOO quirky! At the last Sia concert I went to, she had a special 'knitting corner' for her fans to sit at and knit while they watched her perform. Oh! And on her twitter page, she states that - 'i am sia, I was born from the bumhole of a unicorn named steve'....
 Honestly, she's one of the most amazing singers I've ever had the chance to see live.
Here she is in all her glory: Live and Mindblowing!!


