Songs Of The Week: Sia, Postal Service, Local Natives, Foals, Washed Out

by Carmen Cruz

Musical Goodness.

Sia - You've Changed ~ One of my favourite voices on the planet. Extra points for being so adorably weird.

Postal Service - Tattered Line Of String

Local Natives - You & I ~ A truly amazing tune. This video is for all the dog lovers out there.

Foals - Bad Habit

Washed Out - It All Feels Right ~ Looking to chill out? This is the band you wanna listen to. This song is off their new album called 'Paracosm' which comes out August 13th. Can't wait!!!




New Song From Postal Service *LISTEN*

by Carmen Cruz

It's been a long time since we've heard something new from The Postal Service (the side project from Ben Gibbard, lead singer of Death Cab For Cutie).
Finally, here it is. The song is called 'A Tattered Line Of String'.
FYI: The Postal Service will be performing at Coachella this year on April 13th and 20th.


