Songs Of The Week: Big Boi, The Boxer Rebellion, Zerbin, Waldeck

by Carmen Cruz

Musical Awesomeness.  

Big Boi ft. Mouche & Scar - Raspberries - This is on repeat regularly. It's such a weirdly awesome tune.

Big Boi ft. Phantogram - CPU - What can I say? It's a wicked album (Vicious Lies & Dangerous Rumors)

Waldeck ~ Make My Day - Just a really cool tune.

Zerbin ~ Take Your Heart - Originally from my home town (E-town represent!) and now living in Victoria, these indie boys are KILLING IT!!!!

Zerbin ~ New Earth - Let's enjoy another one shall we?

Diamonds ~ The Boxer Rebellion - It's actually a romantic comedy that really helped launch these guys. If you haven't seen the movie 'Going The Distance', watch it. It's hilarious. Either way, an amazing band.




It's all about U2 ~ Songs of the week!!!

by Carmen Cruz

U2 is one of my favourite bands of all time. Yeah, their music has evolved (as it should! Who wants to listen to the same stuff over and over again???) and some people are keen on criticizing the band and everything they stand for. I'll always love these guys but hey! To each his/her own.

Here are a few of their lesser known tunes that (for me) have stood the test of time:

Miss Sarajevo featuring Luciano Pavarotti

Party Girl (Live from Red Rocks) ~ This is one of the very first songs I'd ever heard from these guys. I remember going to the library with my sister and borrowing the 'Under a Blood Red Sky' album (actually, it was the record). I instantly loved them.

Stay ( Far Away, So Close) ~ From the moment I saw this video (as a young and impressionable teen) I decided that one of my bucket list goals was to be in a U2 video. It's a dream a still hang on to, to this very day. Hey, a gal can dream can't she???

U2 - Stay (Far Away, So Close) by djoik

Lady With The Spinning Head

Slow Dancing ~ A B-side tune.

Staring at the Sun (Live)

In A Little While

There are SOOOOO many more, but I'll stop here... for now ;D


