by Carmen Cruz

My buddy Dan is one of my favourite people in the world. He has always been a free spirit and he loves living outside the box and in the moment.
This picture is a perfect example of that.

The couple in this picture were part of a wedding taking place nearby, and Dan decided to ask them to be in a picture he wanted to stage. Yup, that's Dan in the suit, ready to hit the water (and yes, he's actually falling in this pic!).

So I've decided, how about a little caption contest? The best (most creative, funny, witty, etc.) caption get's a bag of this week's 'Bestest Of Vancouver' featured item (a 225g packet of Holy Crap! Cereal).

Please feel free to add your comments below this posting (**and make sure you include your email address, otherwise I won't be able to contact you!!!**) . Deadline to enter is Thursday, September 13, 2012 at 10PM SHARP!!!!

While anyone and everyone is encouraged to enter, please note that the shipping of this prize is limited to anywhere in Canada (only!). 




I love hearing from you. For realsies.

by Carmen Cruz

Weird story.
So I have someone who helps me keep track of my site, my stats, etc. We're able to see where (on the globe) people are clicking in from. So where is my cheesy little site visited the most?

#1) Germany ~ Danke!
#2) Canada
#3) USA
#4) Iran ~ And I raaaaaan, I ran so far awaaaaayyyy. Aw. That was bad.

The cold, hard truth is that most people are most likely looking for the super famous transsexual porn star Carmen Cruz:    

 and then accidentally come across little ol' me:

 Talk about a disappointment huh?

Either way, I love hearing from you, so feel free to leave your comments below my postings. You no longer need to sign in to leave a comment, you just need to click and write.
Just remember to keep them clean and above the belt.

Keep it real homies!

