Addictions can be good... and bad.

by Carmen Cruz

The technology can be a dangerous thing.
Lately, I've been completely addicted to a few sites and apps.

#1) Etsy ~ I love to shop. I do. And last year I discovered this website where artisans of all sorts can post their creative and handmade items for sale. Now while you can find some amazing, cool or truly unique items, you can also come across some serious crap that makes you think... WTF!!!!  That's no longer Esty, it's Regretsy. Boys, tons of cool stuff on there for you too! Things can get a bit pricey, but there are definitely some deals to be had as well. I'm thinking of buying these.... (someone, please tell me to stop. I'm begging you. GAD!).


So if you're into the 'Handmade Revolution' like me, I'll see you at Make it Van!, which is happening November 24rth - 27th at the Croatian Cultural Centre. Imagine Etsy style vendors all squished into one room. Good times. Bring your wallet. For realsies.

#2) Instagram ~ This is a wicked iphone app that I use on almost a daily basis. This app can help turn even the crappiest photographer into... a LESS crappy photographer. If you have the app, find me on there and friend me n'kay? I'm under Carmen Cruz. Here are a few of my pics (made MUCH prettier thanks to Instagram).

#3) There's a Spanish website I've discovered where you can watch fairly new movies (anything that's now featured on Shaw's VOD) as well as TV shows, FOR FREE!!!! Yes, the site is in Spanish, but all the English programs remain in English, with Spanish subtitles that can easily removed with the click of a button. The best part of this site is that you don't have to download the movies, you stream them instead. It's brilliant. You can basically kiss your spare time goodbye. If you're interested in finding out more about this site, email me ( I WAS going to post the site here, but I'm scared that doing so might get it shut down. Lame, I know, but I'm a bit paranoid. Big brother is watching...



Missed my flight. FACK!!!!

by Carmen Cruz

Those who know me well, know that I can sometimes be *ahem* fashionably late. I blame it on my Chilean heritage. Chileans are almost ALWAYS late. No joke. But today? No, I was NOT late. I was about an hour early for a domestic flight (leaving Calgary and heading back to Vancouver).

I went through security and I was pulled aside and told that Latinas weren't welcome... just kidding! I was told that I had too many liquid products and that they had to all fit in one bag. I had two... but Vancouver airport security didn't have a problem! Calgary... not so much. I was told that I had to toss some things or check my baggage with the airline. At this point, my flight had begun to board. With a trembling lower lip, I went through by bags of products and threw away a pricey facial cleanser, discontinued tube of toothpaste that I LOVE (yup. Nerd), and a tiny bottle of rose water. I'm a beauty junkie, so this was like cutting off a finger (dramatic, but true).

By the time I got back in the line up, I had about another 15 people in front of me. As I got near the front, (one person away actually!) an entire Lufthansa Airline Crew politely said 'excuse me' and cut in front. 6 more people! Since the crew are in and out of the airport regularly, they began to chat with security. I wanted to punch each and every one of them in the throat. In my mind, I think I told them to 'shut the f*ck up and move your f*cking ass' about 100 times. Sadly, the crew took their sweet time and  15 minutes later, they were finally past security. In my mind I was screaming, but my face was as calm as can be.  I've always had super expressive eyes that, despite my facial expression, always give my true feelings away. A security guard looked at me and immediately said 'what's wrong'? I began blubbering 'I'm about to miss my flight and now I'm starting to freak out'!!!!!!... So the guy was kind enough to rush me through (muchas gracias... whoever you are!).

I ran to my gate, just in time to see my plane leave. Now, I sit here.... waiting another 3 hours for my next flight back home to Vancouver. I've never missed a flight before, so this was a scary experience for me.When I called my brother-in-law (Dave) to let him know that I'd be arriving late, he was NOT sympathetic to my frustration/ situation. He was all 'crews ALWAYS have priority in security'. Dave, is a pilot. You know what Dave? Shut your pie hole.

Aaaaaaaaaaaaand I'm finished whining now. Thanks for letting me bitch.

Back to surfing my latest addiction ( while I wait... and wait... and wait...
