Just In Case You Didn't Get Enough Of Her The First Time...

by Carmen Cruz

Remember Rebecca Black and her viral (and horrid) song 'Friday'?    
Well it looks like she's got a new tune, as well as a killer producer who knows how to make her voice sound 100% different. Is it magic? Nope. It's called 'technology'.
The new song is called 'Saturday'. Hang on to your socks folks...




#StarbucksDrakeHands = #Fail

by Carmen Cruz

Found this on Buzzfeed and couldn't help but share.     

"A guy went up to a girl at Starbucks in LA and started hitting on her. She reluctantly gave him her number. Later that day she received this video."

While the girl who actually received this video didn't post it online, the friend she passed it along to did.
Is sending a 'selfie video' to a stranger the worst idea ever? Yes.
Is posting the video of a complete stranger a douche manouver? Absolutely.
And yet, it's like a car accident. We just can't look away....

Either way, this video has spawned a whole schwack of spoofs where people are tagging their videos with #StarbucksDrakeHands. Click here to watch the magic/horror unfold...

Poor Bastard...




The Biggest Fail This Year (So Far)

by Carmen Cruz

You know you've done it before.
You hear about horrible things happening to people and think to yourself, 'Poor bastard. Thank GAD it's not me.'
Well guess what... I'm officially one of the poor bastards.
A couple of weeks ago, I was listening to CBC's 'The Early Edition', and they were taking about how a branch of government had lost a portable hard drive with a bunch of people's personal information on it.
I remember thinking to myself, 'Wow. That really sucks', and then I pushed it out of my mind (like most of us do, right?).
Then, I got THIS in the mail...

So my personal info is lost.
It's out there somewhere, hopefully sitting in a puddle in an alley in the middle of nowhere, totally unusable. Or better yet, it's in a landfill, sitting under a bunch of dirty diapers and half empty styrofoam takeout boxes.
Here's hoping.

I feel somewhat vulnerable about the whole thing, but I've been reassured over and over again by government department heads that my personal information will be 'carefully monitored at all times for suspicious activities' and that I'll be 'contacted if absolutely anything questionable arises'.
Plus, I pretty much need to carry at least about 5 different pieces of picture ID on me at all times (clearly, I exaggerate).

So I ask myself, how could the government manage to drop the ball so badly?
...And then I laugh at myself for asking such a stupid question.

Either way, if anyone DOES get a hold of my info, I ask him/her just one small favour:
Make that student loan of mine disappear, will ya?



Just A Thought

by Carmen Cruz

Dear barista at Thomas Haas Patisserie in North Vancouver:

When I ordered my large soy chai latte, I was pretty choked when you gave me what felt like a half empty cup.
When I asked you about it, your reasoning was both scientific and extremely well thought out - "Soy milk weighs less than regular milk".
Really? Wow. Your insistence on NOT topping up my drink was pretty fantastic too.
Either way, I'd love to take this opportunity to thank you for serving me a delicious half cup of foam.



Just A Thought

by Carmen Cruz

If someone talking to you has one of the following:

* something in between their teeth
* something hanging out of their nose
* front zipper of pants/shorts/skirt is down
* toilet paper stuck to the bottom of their shoe/boot/heel


Stop trying to NOT stare and just tell them dammit!!!!

Nothing stings more than the betrayal of arriving home after a long day out, only to realize that you have a nice little chunk of lettuce (from that salad you had, like, 6 hours ago) still wedged in between your front teeth.




Fashion FAIL of The Day

by Carmen Cruz

Let's file this under a section called 'fashion trends we'll look back at and laugh, and laugh, and laugh'....

This comes straight out of this months issue of Flare Magazine:

I'd love to know how the heck you're supposed to:
A) Type
B) Text
C) Scratch you nose
D) Open a door/jar/window
E) Comfortably use the loo (ladies)
...all without doing some form of damage to yourself, your property or your blessed, blessed manicure.




Some solid advice for all the guys out there.

by Carmen Cruz

I was running along the seawall last night, enjoying the fresh, clean, salty sea air, and I happened to pass a young couple (clearly in the early stages of their relationship). As I ran past, the young guy's cologne literally slapped me in the face. It was SO STRONG that I could taste it in my mouth, even after I'd already passed him.



Boys, here's my advice to you. The concept of cologne is to smell yummy, right? You definitely DO NOT want to bathe in it. You have to do the cheesy spritz it in the air, and walk through it. There's nothing sexier than a man who smells good (it's one of my weaknesses, actually), but you wanna put on the cologne sparingly so that we ladies get a hint of your smelly goodness, and then want to get closer for more... and getting closer is good, right?



p.s: Joop is the worst cologne ever made on the planet, and I can't believe that some guys out there still wear that sludge. Don't. Just.... don't.


by Carmen Cruz

With the cold weather creeping towards us, out comes the warmer clothing, si? Well there’s one fashion faux pas I’ve come across that I absolutely detest. I’ve seen it on the streets and it makes my stomach churn.
Yeti style boots.
Whoever thought these would be an awesome idea should be SHOT!!!

'Nuff said.


Slouchy toques are HOT on men. Period.

by Carmen Cruz

It’s all in the title. It’s bothy sexy and keeps your noggin warm. I’m a sucker for a man in a slouchy toque. Nice. Even if you’re mediocre looking, the slouchy toque will increase your hotness factor.

See what I mean?                                                                                                                                        

This on the other hand, not so much...                                                                                                          