Trying out the Tumblr thing.

by Carmen Cruz

I'm trying out Tumblr. I'm pretty new to it, so if you have any tips or suggestions, please let me know!
Here's the link to my personal page, if you're interested:
I figure I'll start out by posting a new song of the day every day, and then slowly go from there. This internet stuff can be pretty confusing, no?




The YUCK Trifecta

by Carmen Cruz

Imagine this...
While you're right in the middle of moving, you're punched in the stomach with a brutal flu. You're completely knocked out, sweating, sleeping and coughing. Then, to add insult to injury, you find out that you won't have cable or internet until the first week of January (did I mention that this is all happening during the second week of December?). Ladies and gentlemen, this is what I call the Yuck Trifecta. Moving, surrounded by taped up boxes, sick, and without any form of entertainment. This was the hell I went through last month.
Just moments ago, I finally had my cable and internet hooked up. I'm sitting in front of my computer with my TV blasting, trying to take it in all in at once. I'm like a doe eyed kid on Christmas day.
Lucky for me, I was healthy enough to spend Christmas with friends and loved ones (my first Christmas away from my familia!) and I had an amazing time. At the moment, I'm still recovering from an insane New Years house party.  Hola 2012!!!!
Here's to an amazing year filled with love, happiness and success... even if the world is going to end... ;D.
I'm baaaaaaaaaack!
