Remember 'Speakers Corner'?!?!?!

by Carmen Cruz

...remember how awesome and awkward it was to watch all those 'Speakers Corner' videos? How many of you would hop into one of their booths (when it would tour around and make its to your neck of the woods) and speak your mind? (**raises hand**).

I came across a wicked article (courtesy AUX magazine) talking about what made 'Speakers Corner' the coolest thing out there and why it's missed.
Make sure you check out all the videos. You might be surprised to see some of the celebs who stopped by SC, just for sh*ts and giggles.
 Here ya go....



Your Favourite Canadian Show: A Trip Down Memory Lane

by Carmen Cruz

A great way to waste some time today ;D

The Hilarious House of Frightenstein ~ It used to scare the crap out of us as kids, and yet we couldn't stop watching...

Fables Of The Green Forest

SCTV ~ John Candy!!!!!

Harriet's Magic Hats

Today's Special ~ Old puppet dude = Creepy

The Edison Twins

Video Hits

Want more? Check out this awesome blog post with 43 different shows you grew up with, but probably forgot about.


