New Song From Postal Service *LISTEN*

by Carmen Cruz

It's been a long time since we've heard something new from The Postal Service (the side project from Ben Gibbard, lead singer of Death Cab For Cutie).
Finally, here it is. The song is called 'A Tattered Line Of String'.
FYI: The Postal Service will be performing at Coachella this year on April 13th and 20th.




Black Keys and Wu-Tang Clan's RZA ~ New Song Collaboration

by Carmen Cruz

The Black Keys and RZA have collaborated on a new song for an upcoming Quentin Tarantino movie. It's called "The Man With The Iron Fists" and yes, it's the BEST genre of movie... KUNG-FU! HECK YEAH!!!!!
It's movie trailer time....

That's right, they put the F-U in Kung-Fu. The movie hits theaters in early November.

Now about that new collaboration....
The song is called 'The Baddest Man Alive'.




New Tune From Kylie Minogue

by Carmen Cruz

Kylie Minogue is one of those singers who almost everyone likes (ALMOST).     
Here she is with a brand new (and very catchy) tune called 'Time Bomb'.

Look for this song to be a part of Kylie's 'Greatest Hits' album, coming out soon.

Random Fact: Kylie is well known for her petite feet. Apparently she's a size 5 and foot pervs across the globe love tracking down pictures of the singers perfect toes. Awkward...

I have to admit that I'm kind of a fan of Kylie (not her feet).
Here are a few other awesome tunes by the teeny, tiny hottie (She's barely over 5 feet tall!!!).

*In Your Eyes*

*Love At First Sight*


