It's Baaaaaaaaaaaaaack!!!!! + Vancouver Is About To Turn Up The Sexy

by Carmen Cruz

Here's what the Aritzia peeps had to say:
"Featuring a huge selection of merchandise from your favourite brands spanning the 40,000 sq ft space, new items added every day, and longer opening hours—we guarantee this will be our best Warehouse Sale to date."

Things to note:
- All sales are final
- They accept Cash, Debit, and Credit (Visa, Mastercard, and AMEX)
- Gift Cards are NOT accepted
- Pack light—all coats and bags must be checked at the door


Vancouver is about to turn up 'The Sexy'.

The grand opening is scheduled for 10am tomorrow morning (Tuesday, August 27th.) 

To help launch the new location, model and Victoria’s Secret “Angel” Lindsay Ellingson will be greeting fans on Thursday (August 29).

What time is it? It's sexy time. 





It's Sexy Time.

by Carmen Cruz

I was hanging out with a friend of mine the over the weekend and while we were stuck in traffic on the Lionsgate Bridge, we got to chatting about music. He's as big of a music nerd as I am, so we usually end up chatting (and quizzing) each other for hours. Nerd alert.
My amigo turned me on (no pun intended) to some sweeeeeeet love making music.
The group is called 'The Weeknd' and they're from London, Ontario. (YAAAY CANADA!)
Not only is their music AMAZING, it's also FREE for you to download. If you go to their website, they have a total of 3 albums for you to download, gratis.
In my humble opinion, the album called 'House of Balloons' is by far the best of the 3. Here's a sample of what you can expect....

It's Sexy Time! **said in the voice of Borat**

Enjoy ;D

