Back For More

by Carmen Cruz

After a summer filled with exciting getaways to exotic destinations like *said in a whisper* 'Edmonton', I'm back.
I know, I know, you've missed me right? Yes loyal readers (aka: Mom and sometimes, if I'm really lucky, Dad), the slacking has come to an end. 

With fall (my absolute favourite season) just around the corner, you can almost smell the change in the air, and you know what that means...
It's time to stop procrastinating on the hundreds of projects that have been sitting there... waiting... waiting... AND it's finally time to revamp the ol' website (tech stuff = eyes glazing over).

Yes friends, change is coming soon.

Until then, here are a few things to make your Monday fly by a bit quicker.

Cool sites to check out:

Awkward Family Photos - Because you'll never get sick of this website. Hilarity always ensues.

Internet Fart - Probably one of the best gif sites ever. It's an experimental digital arts project that will kinda blow your mind. Sit. Watch. Enjoy.

Fashion Grandpas (Instagram) - You'll want to adopt each and every last one of them... or have the itch to run out and buy a bow tie.

Aaaand why not finish off by watching topless people get Tasered, all in the name of art. (Don't worry, it's totally safe for work).

