New Beginnings

by Carmen Cruz

After a much needed getaway to Europe and a brutal battle with a cold (the battle continues) my hiatus is finally over... kinda.
I'm in the process of completely overhauling my site, designing a new logo, and adding a bunch of new bells, whistles and features.
Before the end of the year, I'm hoping to launch a new, more dynamic and interesting weblog (dare to dream).
The frustrations of learning new programs (even something as simple as garageband) can leave you feeling like a senior citizen looking at a remote control... lost, confused and squint-y. But alas, the squinting continues.

So look for something new and awesome on this site before the end of the year.
In the meantime, here are a few pictures from my trip to France & Italy. The itinerary went as follows: Paris, France - Rome, Italy - Florence, Italy - Venice, Italy - Monte San Martino, Italy
My favourite was... well it's a tie. Paris & Florence were unreal.

Here are a few things I learned on my trip:

1) I have brutal navigation skills
2) French people are surprisingly nice
3) Italian men reeeeeally love their sweatpants. It's an intense love affair that I just don't understand
4) Bread + Cheese + Wine = Something you'll consume AT LEAST once a day
5) There are an unbelievable number of scam artists 'workin' it' outside the Vatican City
6) The supply of incredible art, architecture and history is truly endless
7) EVERYONE must go to Italy & France at least once in their lifetime

 And so now, I return to my hunched position, staring a computer screen...squinting.




Today is unofficially "Hug Your Nearest Chileno/ Chilena Day"...

by Carmen Cruz

...And here's why. If you have the time, Read This relatively short article about the coup in Chile (September 11th, 1973) . As the daughter of a Chilean political refugee, this day is always a bit of a sad day, as I know it is for every other Chileno / Chilena out there.

So if one of us happens to be close by you at any particular time today, a hug is in order.



Songs Of The Week ~ The Kooks, Baby Bash, Flight Facilities, J Roddy Walston & The Business, By Divine Right

by Carmen Cruz

Musical Goodness.

The Kooks ~ Sweet Emotion - Can't...Stop...Listening. On repeat daily. **This is clearly not the music video for this tune but sadly, there isn't one available yet. This is as good as it gets for now. **

Flight Facilities ~ Two Bodies ft. Emma Louise

Baby Bash - Suga Suga (Royal Refix) - A tune from back in 2003. A seriously solid remix.

J Roddy Walston & The Business ~ Take It As It Comes

By Divine Right ~ Just Can't Get Enough (Depeche Mode Cover) - This is a quirky one, but I have to say that I really, really like it. And yes, I was just as shocked to see that this Canadian indie rock band is still alive and kicking. Cool cover, no?




Back For More

by Carmen Cruz

After a summer filled with exciting getaways to exotic destinations like *said in a whisper* 'Edmonton', I'm back.
I know, I know, you've missed me right? Yes loyal readers (aka: Mom and sometimes, if I'm really lucky, Dad), the slacking has come to an end. 

With fall (my absolute favourite season) just around the corner, you can almost smell the change in the air, and you know what that means...
It's time to stop procrastinating on the hundreds of projects that have been sitting there... waiting... waiting... AND it's finally time to revamp the ol' website (tech stuff = eyes glazing over).

Yes friends, change is coming soon.

Until then, here are a few things to make your Monday fly by a bit quicker.

Cool sites to check out:

Awkward Family Photos - Because you'll never get sick of this website. Hilarity always ensues.

Internet Fart - Probably one of the best gif sites ever. It's an experimental digital arts project that will kinda blow your mind. Sit. Watch. Enjoy.

Fashion Grandpas (Instagram) - You'll want to adopt each and every last one of them... or have the itch to run out and buy a bow tie.

Aaaand why not finish off by watching topless people get Tasered, all in the name of art. (Don't worry, it's totally safe for work).




Vancouver Folk Music Festival 2014

by Carmen Cruz

Slap on some patchouli and pull out your finest hemp clothing - It's almost time for the Vancouver Folk Music Festival!!!

It's another solid music lineup for 2014.  Highlights include:

Great Lake Swimmers
Andrew Bird & The Hands Of Glory
Jay Malinowski & The Deadcoast
Born Ruffians
Riccardo Tesi and Banditaliana
and many many many more...

Tickets for adults range from about $45 - $50 per day. Pretty affordable when you look at the other music festivals happening around the city, no?

If you're heading to the festival this year, here's a little tip for ya: make sure you bring yourself a blanket to sit on. There's nothing worse than sitting on mushy wet grass, ya know what I mean? And hey, don't forget about the impromptu drumming circles that seem to take place around sundown. Very cool.

Get more festival info HERE.




Vancouver Craft Beer Week (VCBW) Kicks Off TOMORROW!

by Carmen Cruz

It's a week long celebration of hop-y goodness!
From May 30th (tomorrow) to June 7th, beer aficionados can celebrate the almighty brew at over 20 events with over 60 breweries on board.
Feel that bubble in your tummy? It's not a beer burp, it's excitement.
This year's theme revolves around hip-hop.

Check out the ridiculously awesome promo video below:

IT'S A RAP! from Vancouver Craft Beer Week on Vimeo.

For more info on what's happening, click HERE. Tickets tend to sell out fast so... you know what to do.




Songs Of The Week: Gyptian, Phantogram, Pearl Jam, Mr. Little Jeans, Sylvan Esso

by Carmen Cruz

It's a mixed bag. 

Gyptian ~ Turn Me On - The perfect summer song.

Phantogram ~ Fall In Love - In a word, Brilliant.

Pearl Jam ~ Sirens - You know the type of song that just stirs something in your heart? Yeah. This is one of those.

Mr. Little Jeans ~ Suburbs (Arcade Fire Cover)- The Arcade Fire has been 'Sexified'. Uh huh, that's a word now.

Sylvan Esso ~ Coffee




Stream Robyn's New EP Now *LISTEN*

by Carmen Cruz

This little Scandinavian minx has collaborated with the kick ass duo of Röyksopp to release a 5 track EP (mini-album) called 'Do It Again'. You can listen to the record in it's entirety (ahead of it's May 27th release date) through NPR's site. CLICK HERE and prepare to have your mind blown **insert explosion sound**.

Here's the lyric video for their title track. 




Songs Of The Week (All Covers): John Butler Trio, Arctic Monkeys, London Grammar, Glass Animals, Childish Gambino

by Carmen Cruz

Amazing Covers.

John Butler Trio covering Pharrell Williams' 'Happy'. Super fun version of a super fun song.

Arctic Monkeys covering Tame Impala's 'Feels Like We Only Go Backwards'. Heartbreaking and awesome.

London Grammar covering Chris Isaak's 'Wicked Game'.

Glass Animals covering Kanye West's 'Love Lockdown'. They're a wicked new band from the UK. Their debut album comes out in June. Check them out.

Childish Gambino covering PM Dawn's 'I'd Die Without You'. Pretty spot on.




*Awesome Nerd Alert* J.J. Abrams Wants You To Be in 'Star Wars: Episode VII

by Carmen Cruz

A donation to charity puts you in the running for a free trip to London, England to mingle with celebrities,
check out what it's like behind the scenes of a major motion film and, most importantly, have an actual role in the newest Star Wars movie *nerd swoon*.

Check out the video below for more.


